If you could have one thing that you wanted, what would it be?
Kapil was given the same choice, and you won’t believe what he did.
Let me start from the beginning.
Kapil was a young man, who went to Shravasti to study under his father’s learned friend.
There he met a girl and fell in love.
They were soon expecting a child, but Kapil had no means to sustain the family.
But the wife suggested,
‘Why don’t you go to the city’s king?
Every morning, he gives two masa gold to the first person that blesses him.’
The idea made sense.
Kapil decided to leave in the middle of the night so that he’s the first person to reach the palace and be the first one to bless the king.
Unfortunately for him, the guards on night patrol arrested him.
They thought that he was a thief, out to rob the public in the cover of night.
He pleaded, but they didn’t believe him.
In the morning, he was presented in front of the king, with the charge of intent to steal.
Kapil was shocked. He begged the king to let him go, explaining the chain of events that led him there.
The king was kind.
He asked Kapil, ‘You need not worry about the future of your kid anymore. Tell me what you want, I will give it to you.’
Kapil was overjoyed.
But he didn’t know what to ask for. Or how much.
The king gave him one day to reach a decision.
Kapil sat in the palace garden. He thought and thought.
How much should I ask for?
Two masa gold? Or a 1000 coins? Perhaps 1 million coins will be better.
But what if I run out of money? It’s better if I ask for half the kingdom.
Why not ask the king for control of the full kingdom?
While this was happening, the wind blew and a dead leaf fell from the tree he was sitting under. Right on his lap.
That was his epiphany.
If I have to die one day, do I really need the kingdom?
Or even 1 million gold coins?
Can I survive with 1000 gold coins?
I think I can live happily with two masa gold, too.
I don’t think I need more. I don’t feel the need for anything.
I’m satisfied. I’m happy.
He found his answer. I’m still wondering what mine will be.
What’s yours?