Hastākshar Issue #49: Can we please stop this Doglapan?

It’s not just Ashneer that’s frustrated with others’ doglapan (despite having a lot of it in his own life).

We are often frustrated, too.

And for good reason. 

Things and people get too much at times. Irritation is the natural outcome.

We try our best to put up, change things. But it simply doesn’t happen.

This reminded me of the time when someone showed me this famous diagram.

There are three type of things in our mind:

  1. Things we know, that we know

Driving, basic mathematics, a couple of languages, etc.

  1. Things we know, that we don’t know

Flying a plane, nuclear physics, Kathakali dance, etc.

  1. Things we don’t know, that we don’t know

This is called the ‘blind spot.’ We don’t know that these exist. Hence we don’t know that we are not good at that.

This happens most with the internal world.

Our complexes, deep-rooted fears, the ultimate joy of life.

These exist yet we remain blind to them.

It takes someone to point these out to us, else we can waste our whole life not acknowledging their presence.

And moving on with life without accepting that these exist – that’s our doglapan.

So, sharks – what do you think?

Does this deal (aka introspection) look good enough to invest in?

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